A relatively unknown tax relief through revenue.ie exists for full and part-time remote workers that many employers and employees are unaware of, eWorkers tax relief.
Disclaimer: Occupop is not a governing body or financial institution, this information has been collated from gov.ie, revenue.ie and various financial experts as at date of publication and is subject to change. Any information provided here is intended to inform rather than advise.
This tax relief is applicable to any employee working from home, otherwise defined as eWorking. Employers can pay €3.20 a day to any staff member to cover additional living expenses incurred whilst working from home i.e. heating, electricity and broadband costs.
The payment can be made to an employee without deducting USC, PAYE or PRSI. This payment is at the discretion of the employer, however, the employee themselves can claim this back at the end of the year if a business is not in a position to pay this.
All details on this eWorker relief and how to apply can be found on the Revenue website here.
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e-Workers tax relief is applicable to any employee working from home, otherwise defined as eWorking. Employers can pay €3.20 a day to any staff member to cover additional living expenses incurred whilst working from home i.e. heating, electricity and broadband costs.
Criteria to this agreement for employees who claim this tax relief are as follows: