UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop

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Driving Expansion:  UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop

Discover how UPMC scaled from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities efficiently with Occupop. This case study explores how the recruitment software streamlined hiring, ensured compliance, reduced costs, and enabled rapid expansion for the leading healthcare provider. Read the success story.

Driving Expansion:  UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop
€660,000 annual savings on cost-per-hire
67% reduction in time to hire
61% reduction in job board spend
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Driving Expansion:  UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop

The Challenge


As UPMC embarked on its ambitious expansion journey in Ireland, the organisation encountered several significant challenges related to their recruitment processes. Rapid growth required a swift and efficient hiring strategy to onboard highly skilled professionals across multiple locations. However, UPMC’s traditional recruitment methods were not equipped to handle the increased scale and complexity. The following sections outline the key obstacles UPMC faced and the pressing need for a transformative solution to ensure continued growth and compliance in a competitive healthcare landscape.

Disjointed Recruitment Processes

Amie Fitzpatrick, Senior Talent Acquisition Lead at UPMC, describes the initial recruitment process as cumbersome and outdated. The process was paper-based, leading to lengthy delays in obtaining hiring approvals and managing candidate information. Each site maintained separate HR files, resulting in siloed candidate management and increased risks of lost or misplaced details. Moreover, the lack of job board automation made the process highly manual and inefficient.

Growth Plans and Compliance Needs

UPMC's growth plans included expanding their hospital network from 2 to 4 hospitals and increasing their oncology and sports medicine centres. This expansion necessitated a centralised Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to ensure recruitment best practices, GDPR compliance, and a seamless recruitment process for end-users.

Need for Speed and Efficiency

The primary challenge was to find a solution that could automate and streamline the recruitment process. Speed and process improvement were crucial, as UPMC needed an efficient way to share CVs with hiring managers and receive real-time responses. The goal was to enhance both internal stakeholder and external candidate experiences.

Driving Expansion:  UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop

The Solution


The realisation of the need for a robust recruitment solution that could meet their scaling needs came when the existing inefficiencies could no longer be ignored. Fitzpatrick recalls,

UPMC acquired hospitals via acquisitions so a centralised ATS system was essential to ensure recruitment best practice, GDPR compliancy and to ensure our end users had a good recruitment process. "

Through multiple meetings with relevant stakeholders, including department heads and IT specialists, it was decided that Occupop would best suit their current needs and help progress their preference to computerise many of their systems. Fitzpatrick mentioned;

We needed an automated way to share CV's with our hiring managers efficiently and to get their responses in real time. Occupop is super user friendly and they functionality improved our internal stakeholder and external candidate experience. Occupop as a product is loved across the HR team in UPMC. "

Driving Expansion:  UMPC scales from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, staying efficient with Occupop

The Result


Top Pain Points Solved

Occupop addressed several critical pain points for UPMC:

Recruitment Process Efficiency: By automating the recruitment process, UPMC significantly reduced the time and effort required for manual tasks.

Rapid Scaling: Occupop's streamlined processes enabled UPMC to scale quickly in line with their growth plans.

GDPR Compliance: The centralised ATS ensured all recruitment practices adhered to GDPR standards, enhancing data security and compliance.

Quantifiable Impact

The impact of Occupop on UPMC's recruitment process is evident in several key metrics:

  1. Time-to-Hire: Reduced from approximately three weeks to just one week.
  2. Candidate to Interview Ratio: Improved from 5:1 to 2:1.
  3. Cost per Hire: Drastically reduced from €200k per quarter to approximately €35k per quarter.
  4. Job Board Spend: Decreased from €110k in 2023 to €68k in 2024.
  5. Enhanced Candidate and Hiring Team Experience

Growth Achievements

Since implementing Occupop, UPMC has experienced significant growth:

  1. Staff Expansion: The HR team doubled in two years.
  2. Company Growth: UPMC expanded from 4 to 13 healthcare facilities, with new additions planned in 2025.

UPMC's partnership with Occupop has transformed their recruitment process, enabling rapid scaling, improved efficiency, and enhanced compliance. The measurable results, including reduced time-to-hire, decreased costs, and improved candidate experience, underscore the effectiveness of Occupop in meeting the dynamic needs of a growing healthcare provider. As UPMC continues to expand, the foundational improvements achieved with Occupop will support their ongoing success and future growth initiatives.

Occupop is super user-friendly, seamless to manage candidates throughout their hiring process. The platform offers a straightforward, end-to-end solution that our organisation has come to heavily rely on for expansion and growth. Over the past two years, our HR team has doubled in size, and our company has grown by over 700 employees. Initially, our network consisted of four hospitals, but we have since expanded to include two Hillman Cancer Centres (Oncology), six Sports Medicine Clinics, and one Outreach Centre, totaling 13 entities. We are planning further expansions, with new additions projected by 2025.

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