BBF saves over £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop

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BBF Limited saves £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop

Learn more about how BBF Limited achieved remarkable cost reductions of over £350,000 since implementing Occupop. All through streamlined recruitment, reduced agency costs, and enhanced collaboration in this food manufacturing company.

BBF Limited saves £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop
£350,000 reduction in annual recruitment costs
11 days reduction in time to hire
Boosted Employer brand
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BBF Limited saves £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop

The Challenge


BBF Limited holds a prominent position in the food manufacturing industry, employing a diverse workforce of 2,000 individuals. As a rapidly growing company, BBF Limited consistently seeks new business opportunities and expansion. Their growth strategy is deeply rooted in aligning their employer brand strategy with a seamless and engaging candidate journey. This strategic focus necessitated the adoption of an effective recruitment solution to support their objectives.

Challenges Faced by BBF Limited

Before implementing Occupop, BBF Limited encountered several primary challenges that impeded their recruitment process. These challenges included a lack of job board integration and poor organisation, which resulted in manual and time-consuming processes. Remarkably, BBF Limited relied on an outdated MS Excel spreadsheet to manage their recruitment, leading to inefficiency and limited capabilities. This antiquated approach hindered their ability to attract top talent, negatively impacting their employer brand visibility and candidate experience.

BBF Limited saves £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop

The Solution


Motivated by their recruitment struggles, BBF Limited embarked on a search for a suitable solution to transform their hiring process. Alex Rose, having prior experience using Occupop in a different organisation, recognised its user-friendly interface and the exceptional results achieved through its free job board integrations. After evaluating alternative solutions such as Talos360 and BlueOctopus, BBF Limited chose Occupop due to its competitive pricing, proven track record, and continuous system improvements.

Occupop effectively addressed BBF Limited's most pressing pain points, particularly enhancing recruitment process efficiency and fostering collaboration within the hiring team. By automating manual tasks, Occupop significantly reduced the time and effort expended on HR administrative work, allowing the team to focus on high-value activities. Furthermore, the system's seamless job board integrations attracted a higher volume of quality applicants, enabling BBF Limited to scale their hiring process swiftly and efficiently.

BBF Limited saves £350K in recruitment costs with Occupop

The Result


The implementation of Occupop yielded tangible results for BBF Limited, transforming their recruitment process and delivering substantial benefits. The following outcomes highlight the remarkable impact of Occupop on their hiring efforts:

  1. Reduced Time to Hire: Within the first three months of utilising Occupop, BBF Limited achieved an impressive reduction in their average time to hire, decreasing it from 38 days to just 27 days. Some critical roles were filled within a week, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.
  2. Cost Savings: Occupop's impact on BBF Limited's recruitment costs was significant. By streamlining their processes and leveraging the system's capabilities, BBF Limited now saves approximately £350k annually compared to the pre-Occupop era when they lacked an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

Moreover, BBF Limited experienced other positive outcomes, including an improved candidate experience, enhanced employer brand visibility, and a central hub for all their recruitment activities. The system's robust analytics and reporting capabilities provided better measurement of hiring success, while its remote hiring solution proved invaluable during challenging times.

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